"If you are born weak, which god should you turn to for solace?"

Hello... I am known as Xnyn.
I don’t put much weight on labels. I use any pronouns. However, for simplicity, you can use she/her and female-related terms or adjectives when referring to me.

Here is a list of my interests:
- listening to music
- watching youtube videos (minecraft, video essays, deep dives, etc.)
- reading (classical literature, children's books, fanfiction, any media)
- cooking (primarily japanese and chinese food)
- playing games (hsr, visual novels...)
I am a fan of philosophy, science, and coding. I am trying to get into robotics and the sorts. I like JavaScript and Python, but I want to learn C++, PHP, and Assembly. I am also looking into Esoteric languages. Every now and then, I dive into psychology. For more information on my interests, see the sidebar and click on interests.
I am not a very social person, and majority of my presence is online. Well, I act more "genuine" online. I suppose I am social in real life; it just does not feel real. Everyday is simply a performance: confining myself in the cage that is societal expectations.